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Logo & Print Design Service - DreamLogoDesign

Design is all around us. We see design in every format - from the handmade posters on the side of the road, to the websites we visit, to billboards high up in the air, and in every possible place in between. Like it or not, we are influenced by these designs. Some are appealing and make us want to see more. Others are not, and we immediately dismiss them in our quest to find something better. So what is it that makes us more drawn to one over the other?


Content is the number one attraction. A person wants to read or see something that is personal or relevant. It must be well written with proper grammar and spelling. What a person is trying to teach, explain, or sell must be clearly communicated to the recipient of the information. When sharing information, it is important that the facts be clearly and concisely communicated. Sometimes you need help figuring out the information that you want to pass along and helping it to stand out from all the others.

Visual Appeal

What makes a print design more attractive than others? Is it unique fonts? Is it a plain design or a bold design? The answer is - it could be all of the above! It is important to hire a Professional Print Design Company that speaks to the persons you are trying to reach. The key is knowing your audience. A brochure design that is geared to appeal to people over the age of 65 will be different from one geared toward people in the 14-18 year old range.

There are still some universal rules for great print design. First, it must be readable. If the person cannot see through the design in order to glean the information, then the design ultimately fails. The design needs to be unique and intriguing. Great print design does not have to be complicated, but it needs to be unique enough to be remembered. In fact, the less complicated a piece is, the better it is to read.

When it comes to design details, like fonts, beware of over cluttering. A few different fonts can be great to draw the reader in to the brochure design, but if there is a different font every few words, it can become too hard to read and ultimately unattractive to the reader. But what is too much? This is where having professional help is important!

Help from the Pros

Often a person is compelled to create a print design or Creative Bi Fold Brochure Design Service on their own. Without the proper resources, the design is either uninspiring, too complicated, or not unique enough to generate interest. Also, proper software and unique designs are hard to come by and take a lot of time to create. This is why getting assistance from design professional is important for getting your message across in the clearest and most attractive way possible.


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